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Issues of the Lighthouse Foundation

Thorup Strand
Flows 2 Vimeo

Cross-linked structures

The sea is the largest ecosystem on our planet and although it is the most inaccessible to us, we humans have also changed the seas extensively since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. This change is now progressing faster than our knowledge, and "shifting baseline" describes the phenomenon that is now considered natural and normal, which a few years or decades ago was considered to have been changed and impoverished by man. In the meantime, our age is called the Anthropocene, because human action has become the determining factor on the planet.

All systems, ecological, economic as well as social and cultural, are subject to the same major trends of acceleration, degradation, centralization and impoverishment. The Anthropocene is the age of eutrophication and extinction of species, landscapes, cultures, languages and entire ecosystems.

Our themes are also themes of understanding this loss. But at its core is the question of what we can do to reverse this trend.

The answers are clues to paths into a world of diversity, structural richness, beauty, empathy and perspectives for many.

All themes are interwoven, just as everything on earth is interwoven. The demarcations are therefore sometimes somewhat arbitrary, other cuts are just as correct. But what remains decisive is that no matter how the point of view is chosen, there are always similar problem descriptions, similar causes, similar pseudo solutions and fundamentally different approaches to a long-term sustainable solution.

Humans and the Sea - Relationships


Flows - it's all connected

The destruction of the rainforest and the consequences for the ocean. "Flows - it's all connected" documents the impact of environmental destructio...


Flows - in a submerged cave system

"Flows" is a documentary exploring the aquifer beneath the Yucatan Peninsula and investigating the links between a number of beautiful and unique a...

Thorup Strand


Europe is one of the most important markets for fish and European companies gain access to resources by buying fishing licences in foreign waters a...


Com­mons and com­mo­n­ing

A cent­ral prob­lem on the road to a good fu­ture for all is the ac­tual or ap­par­ent short­age of all types of goods. One meas­ure against this t...

Helheim Glacier

Ocean and climate

The oceans cover around 70 per cent of the Earth’s surface. They thus play an important role in the Earth’s climate and in global warming.


Planet Earth - Planet Ocean

Live in the ocean

Life in the ocean

We know about 250,000 marine species, estimates go up to half a million. Do we have the time to get to know all?

Coastal living

Life on the coasts

The combined effect of human activity and climate change are pushing many coastal areas towards their tipping point.

Kümo in Kappeln

Coastal shipping: Backgrounds, interrelations, perspectives

While Europe's roads are increasingly threatened by traffic congestion, small ports outside international seaports in particular are competing for ...
