What is at issue:
WE ARE OCEAN is an interdisciplinary art project that brings together indigenous leaders, artists, students, scientists, policy makers, art collectors, teachers, and curators to raise awareness and dialogue about the ecological state of the ocean and the role of humans in its current and future state.
In 2019 and 2020, WE ARE OCEAN brought together the European cities of Berlin, Venice and Marseille to begin the interactive journey.
Through this international project, ARTPORT aims to reflect on various issues related to the causes and effects of human-induced changes in the oceans. It will illustrate how all of us, citizens of all countries, both cause and are affected by the state of the ocean, but can also potentially contribute to positive change.
WE ARE OCEAN Honduras brings together traditional knowledge from different parts of the country and connects it to the people, including in terms of ocean conservation and the link between a healthy ocean and a healthy land.
The project will reflect what the country stands for at the moment, analyze the environmental evolution of the last 50 years, and give a voice to indigenous peoples to show us their perspective in the context of a healthy ocean.
What's happening now:
The implementation of the project is complicated by Covid19 but should be done by the end of 2022.
The topics:
- Interconnections/connections of all seas and oceans
- The indigenous peoples of Honduras and their connection to ocean protection (Garífunas, Nahua, Chortís, Lencas, Maya-Chortís, Misquítos, Criollos, Peches, Tawahakas, Tolupanes) n Indigenous protection of land and sea in Honduras
- Discover the environmental marine history of Honduras
- Monocultures versus biodiversity
- Colonialism and its effects on ocean health
- Fruit companies and the local fishermen
- How is the forest connected with the sea?
- How can traditional knowledge teach us a better system?
- Sustainable fishing (connected to the project “Fish Forever” by RARE Foundation
What we have achieved:
The implementation of the project was complicated by Covid19, but should be done by the end of 2022.