What is at issue:
Optimisation of artisanal fishing methods and construction of a fair trading system is a main concern of this projact at the coast of Ecuador. The certification of a responsible fishing operation is one of the most important fishing management instruments for the future. The objective of certification is to produce and market fish in an ecological and socially acceptable way.
The project “Model of a sustainable artisanal fishing operation” is intended to initiate a development process which will improve the general living conditions of fishermen in small artisanal fishing operations in the Ecuadorian province of Esmeraldas in the long term. At the same time the fish stocks, which are heavily used, will be sustainably managed using newly developed and introduced fishing methods and working processes, and will thus be protected. The model guidelines for fair and responsible artisanal fishing developed by means of this project will take account of the special features of developing countries, and will be transferable to other coastal villages in Ecuador.

What's happening now:
The project was supported by the Lighthouse Foundation from 2008 to 2011.
What we have achieved:
Nazca's projects have encouraged the involvement of local communities in nature conservation activities.
An analysis of the marine coastal environment, artisanal fisheries activities and the socio-economic status of the population has been completed.
An alternative management study highlighted the potential of nature conservation agreements. These studies are the basis fo define conservation goals and conservation measures for the Gelera-San Francisco region.
Political and technical support through the Ecuadorian Department of Environment, the Municipality of Muisne and institutions such as Conservation International, Nature Conservancy, Lighthouse Foundation, Jeffrey Cook Trust, FFLA and ECOLEX has led to the establishment of the Galera-San Francisco Marine Reserve.