What can be done?
Keep the aquifer clean
Stop deforestation
Protect the rainforest
Protect the ocean
Honour agreements
There is no planet B
Care for it all
Or lose it all
Care - Act - Now!
- Lighthouse Foundation
- Participate
- Enlarged protected areas
Enlarged protected areas sustainably used!
Flows - everything is interconnected
Whether somewhere in Germany, Mexico or Brazil, we can do something to make this world a better place!
Eutrophication is a global problem that also manifests itself locally. The loss of biodiversity is directly related to it. And biodiversity means stability of our global life-support system. Eutrophication is also a symptom of industrialisation.
The promise of today's industrialized agriculture and fisheries is simply not true. Both destroy the long-term ability to feed people on the planet. Fertile soil is eroded and productive aquatic ecosystems are suffocated.
There is also a need for action on the Caribbean coast in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo on the Yucatan peninsula. The Expansion of the terrestrial part of the Sian Kaan Reserve to cover and protect one of the most important aquifers of the peninsula has started - but this is not sufficient.
The underground rivers in Yucatan are mainly threatened by the large scale tourist development of the area. This creates the massive overuse of all resources and as a result the contamination of the aquifer. Which in the end also kills the reef.
This has to stop and we have little time. Large scale development projects like the Maya train will open new areas for development and it is most likely that the local population will not benefit from this at all.
We need to secure the areas that are yet not contaminated by industrial scale tourism and agriculture. Sian Kaan as a large area is a good point to start but what is needed is to double the size of the terrestrial part for the common good.
This area does not need to be fully protected in the contrary it can be an area where sustainable practice can show how people can live as stewards for the land.
We propose a trust model based on local and indigenous stakeholders that guarantees that a sustainable climate friendly development is possible.
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Lighthouse Foundation
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