Mexico's water

What can be done?

Keep the aquifer clean
Stop de­for­est­a­tion
Pro­tect the rain­forest
Pro­tect the ocean

Hon­our agree­ments
There is no planet B

Care for it all
Or lose it all

Care - Act - Now!

Page path:

Enlarged protected areas sustainably used!

Flows - everything is interconnected

Whether somewhere in Germany, Mexico or Brazil, we can do something to make this world a better place!

Eutrophication is a global problem that also manifests itself locally. The loss of biodiversity is directly related to it. And biodiversity means stability of our global life-support system. Eutrophication is also a symptom of industrialisation.

The promise of today's industrialized agriculture and fisheries is simply not true. Both destroy the long-term ability to feed people on the planet. Fertile soil is eroded and productive aquatic ecosystems are suffocated.

There is also a need for action on the Caribbean coast in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo on the Yucatan peninsula. The Ex­pan­sion of the ter­restrial part of the Sian Kaan Re­serve to cover and pro­tect one of the most im­port­ant aquifers of the pen­in­sula has started - but this is not sufficient.
The un­der­ground rivers in Yu­catan are mainly threatened by the large scale tour­ist de­vel­op­ment of the area. This cre­ates the massive over­use of all re­sources and as a res­ult the con­tam­in­a­tion of the aquifer. Which in the end also kills the reef.

This has to stop and we have little time. Large scale de­vel­op­ment pro­jects like the Maya train will open new areas for de­vel­op­ment and it is most likely that the local pop­u­la­tion will not be­ne­fit from this at all.

We need to se­cure the areas that are yet not con­tam­in­ated by in­dus­trial scale tour­ism and ag­ri­cul­ture.  Sian Kaan as a large area is a good point to start but what is needed is to double the size of the ter­restrial part for the com­mon good.

This area does not need to be fully pro­tec­ted in the con­trary it can be an area where sus­tain­able prac­tice can show how people can live as stew­ards for the land.

We pro­pose a trust model based on local and in­di­gen­ous stake­hold­ers that guar­an­tees that a sus­tain­able cli­mate friendly de­vel­op­ment is pos­sible.

Donation Account:

Foerde Sparkasse

Lighthouse Foundation

IBAN DE36 2105  0170 1003 9417 52


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