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Lighthouse Foundation

The web­sei­te is an ob­ject of the Lighthouse Foun­da­ti­on, charitable foundation for the seas and oceans.

Lighthouse Foun­da­ti­on
Stif­tung für die Mee­re und Ozea­ne
Mön­cke­berg­str. 22
D-20095 Ham­burg/Germany

Jens Ambs­dorf, exe­cu­ti­ve di­rec­tor
Jörg Grabo, pu­blic re­la­ti­on
An­drea Eckl, of­fice ma­na­ger
Office  Kiel
Ka­nal­stra­ße 67a
D-24 159 Kiel
Tel.: 0049 (0)431 668 468 0
Fax: 0049 (0)431 668 468 11
Email: mail(at)lighthouse-foun­da­ti­


In the year 2000 the Light­house Found­a­tion was es­tab­lished as a char­it­able found­a­tion in Ger­man civil law, dom­i­ciled in Ham­burg (Az.: PA 4/​922.31-64(1870); Sen­at­skan­zlei der Freien und Hans­estadt Ham­burg, 1.Sept. 2000).
The Found­a­tion’s pur­pose is to pro­mote sci­ence and re­search, teach­ing, cul­ture, and the prin­ciples of en­vir­on­ment­al­ism and in­ter­na­tional de­vel­op­ment in re­la­tion to the world’s seas and oceans.

Büro Kiel


Donation account:

Foerde Sparkasse

Lighthouse Foundation

IBAN DE36 2105  0170 1003 9417 52